Open Educational Resources

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Publication Date

Spring 2020


What is this idea of “self?” How do we define it or more specifically how do we represent ourselves (as the writer) on page and to what extent can we make our own voice visible? Anyone can write a story, but where do you as the author exist within your own work?

For this assignment, you will be required to write a memoir (a personal narrative) or a short piece of fiction that depicts some aspect of yourself or an attribute of it, present within your own life. You can either focus on a specific moment of time, place, person, or even an object that reveals at least some perception of who you are NOT what other people perceive you to be.

Think of this as an experimental piece of writing: a self-reflection or a deeper understanding of how you perceive life or the world around you. *Remember: this course will always value the idea of comfortability – how much you are willing to express yourself on page. Don’t feel the need to restrain yourself or hold back! You are not writing for the masses or with the intention of wanting to please me or an audience. Be comfortable and confident in your skills as a writer!

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