Open Educational Resources
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 2020
Course Description: Multicultural Issues in Counseling is intended to provide an introduction to the role of political and sociocultural factors in the provision of appropriate, effective and ethical counseling. This is a theoretical, practical and experiential course that will focus on expanding awareness of your own cultural values and biases; developing critical thinking and awareness of differing experiences and worldviews; and increasing their sensitivity to how sociocultural identities influence prospective clients. The focus of the course is on the individual as a racial-cultural being who brings to their daily life a range of social group memberships which can serve as both resources and barriers in the development of effective therapeutic relationships. The course concentrates on political and sociocultural factors such as race, gender, sexual orientation, social class, religion and (dis)ability; we will engage with topics such as institutional racism, discrimination, power, oppression and socialization.
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