Open Educational Resources
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Publication Date
Fall 2018
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the study of immigration from a sociological perspective. The course begins with an overview of the factors leading to migration and examines how social, economic, political, and legal issues affect individual decisions to migrate. Immigration is first examined first through a historical lens by looking at the history of migration to the United States as well as migration to European and Latin American countries. Next, we turn to the policies that govern migration and borders to study how those policies have affected migrant flows and the ethno-racial makeup of host societies. We also will examine the socio-political context in which these policies are created. In the next part of the course, we will study how immigrants settle into host societies and how those societies respond; in doing so we will engage in debates on assimilation and integration. Finally, the course ends by examining how migration alters ethno-racial boundaries and affects group membership. These topics will be studied from a theoretical perspective and illustrated by case studies.
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