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In this paper, we explore an evolutionary vaccination game in the modified activity driven network by considering the closeness. We set a closeness parameter p which is used to describe the way of connection between two individuals. The simulation results show that the closeness p may have an active role in weakening both the spreading of epidemic and the vaccination. Besides, when vaccination is not allowed, the final recovered density increases with the value of the ratio of the infection rate to the recovery rate λ/μ. However, when vaccination is allowed the final density of recovered individual first increases and then decreases with the value of λ/μ. Two variables are designed to identify the relation between the individuals’ activities and their states. The results draw that both recovered and vaccinated frequency increase with the increase of the individuals’ activities. Meanwhile, the immune fee has less impact on the individuals’ vaccination than the closeness. While the λ/μ is in a certain range, with the increase of the value of λ/μ, the recovered frequency of the whole crowds reduces. Our results, therefore, reveal the fact that the best of intentions may lead to backfire.


This article was originally published in Physica A, available at

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