Publications and Research
Works from 2022
The Urban Maroons of Afro-Dominican Music, Paul Austerlitz
Understanding COVID-19 Among People of Dominican Descent in the U.S.: A Comparison of New York, New Jersey, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Connecticut, Ramona Hernandez, Pedro Ortega, Nancy Sohler, and Sarah Marrara
Dominicans in the United States: A Socioeconomic Profile 2022, Ramona Hernandez, Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz, and Sidie S. Sisay
Works from 2020
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit One, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit Three, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit Two, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
Works from 2019
The Santo Domingo Slave Revolt of 1521 and the Slave Laws of 1522: Black Slavery and Black Resistance in the Early Colonial Americas, Anthony Stevens-Acevedo
Works from 2018
Exhibit Curriculum for El Músico y El Pintor/The Musician and the Painter: Lesson Outline (1 of 2), Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Exhibit Curriculum for El Músico y El Pintor/The Musician and the Painter: Lesson Outline (2 of 2), Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Exhibit Curriculum for El Músico y El Pintor/The Musician and the Painter: Lesson Overview, Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Restoring Housing Security and Stability in New York City Neighborhoods: Recommendations to Stop the Displacement of Dominicans and Other Working-Class Groups in Washington Heights and Inwood, Ramona Hernandez, Yana Kucheva, Sarah Marrara, and Utku Sezgin
Restoring Housing Security and Stablility in New York City Neighborhoods: Recommendations to Stop the Displacement of Dominicans and Other Working-Class Groups in Washington Heights and Inwood, Ramona Hernández, Yana Kucheva, Sarah Marrara, and Utku Sezgin
When a Neighborhood Becomes a Revolving Door for Dominicans: Rising Housing Costs in Washington Heights/Inwood and the Declining Presence of Dominicans, Ramona Hernandez, Utku Sezgin, and Sarah Marrara
Works from 2016
Notes on People of Dominican Ancestry in Canada, Ramona Hernandez, Sarah Marrara, and Utku Sezgin
Works from 2015
Dominican Blue Book, CUNY Dominican Studies Institute, The City College of New York
Old Places, New Places: Geographic Mobility of Dominicans in the U.S., Ramona Hernández and Sarah Marrara
Works from 2013
Exhibit Curriculum for Condition: My Place Our Longing (Lesson 2 of 2), Sarah Aponte and Dania Diag
Exhibit Curriculum for Condition: My Place Our Longing (Lesson 1 of 2), Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Exhibit Curriculum for Condition: My Place Our Longing (Planning and Overview), Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Juan Rodriguez and the Beginnings of New York City, Anthony Stevens-Acevedo, Tom Weterings, and Leonor Alvarez Francés
Juan Luis Guerra and the Merengue: Toward a New Dominican National Identity, Raymond Torres-Santos and CUNY Dominican Studies Institute
Works from 2010
Estudio comparativo sobre la vida cotidiana de la población de descendencia dominicana residente en los condados del Bronx y Manhattan en la ciudad de New York, Ramona Hernandez and Pedro Ortega
Understanding Financial Behavior among Dominicans in New York City, Ramona Hernandez, Lincoln Restler, and Greysi Peralta
Introduction to Dominican Blackness, Silvio Torres-Saillant
Works from 2008
Exhibit Curriculum for Dominicans in New York: Lesson Outline, Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Exhibit Curriculum for Dominicans in New York: Lesson Overview, Sarah Aponte and Dania Diaz
Quisqueya on the Hudson: The Transnational Identity of Dominicans in Washington Heights, Jorge Duany and CUNY Dominican Studies Institute
‘Never Forget Syphilis’: Public Health, Modernity and Gender in the Discourse of Previsión Social during the Trujillato, Melissa Madera
Dominican Women across Three Generations: Educational Dreams, Goals and Hopes, Rosie M. Soy and Stefan Bosworth
Works from 2004
Against All Odds: Dominican Students in Higher Education in New York, Ramona Hernández and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo
Works from 2003
Dominicans in the United States: A Socioeconomic Profile, 2000, Ramona Hernández and Francisco L. Rivera-Batiz
Works from 2000
Documents of Dissidence: Selected Writings by Dominican Women, Daisy Cocco de Filippis
Diasporic Disquisitions: Dominicanists, Transnationalism, and the Community, Silvio Torres-Saillant
Works from 1999
Dominican Migration to the United States, 1970- 1997: An Annotated Bibliography, Sarah Aponte
Un concierto de voces: Mujer, familia y sociedad en Santo Domingo colonial, Dora Dávila-Mendoza
La literatura dominicana al final del siglo: Diálogo entre la tierra natal y la diáspora, Daisy Cocco De Filippis
Keepers of the Mystery, Maitreyi Villamán-Matos
Works from 1998
Directory of Dominicanists, Norberto P. James
Works from 1997
Dominican Studies: Resources and Research Questions, Luis Alvarez-López, Sherrie Baver, Jean Weisman, Ramona Hernández, and Nancy López
Dominican New Yorkers: A Socioeconomic Profile, 1997, Ramona Hernández and Francisco Rivera-Batiz
Works from 1995
Dominican New Yorkers: A Socioeconomic Profile, 1990, Ramona Hernández, Francisco Rivera-Batiz, and Roberto Agodini