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Administrators to Receive 4% Pay Increase. G. Ganter (p. 1)

Horowitz, Moreland Deny DSC Leaders Stipends. Michael Weinstein-Mohammed (p. 1)

Memo Suggests Reynolds Targeted Calandra Institute Months Before Lawsuit. G. Ganter (p. 1)

Masthead (p. 2)

September in the News (p. 2)

Nurse Practitioner Arrives. Christina Pretto.

Tomfoolery: PC, Liberalism, and the Smothers Brothers. Tom Smith.

Guards Lose Benefits in CUNY Contract Change. Tom Burgess.

Two Music Students Killed on West Side. Pam Donovan.

Action on Campus (p. 3)

Administration to Reward Campuses That Follow Goldstein Report. Pam Donovan.

Memo Calls for Resignation of President of College of Staten Island Edmund Volpe. Pam Donovan.

VP of Student Affairs Does Mass Mailing to Alert GSUC Students of By-Law Stipulations

Arts and Entertainment (p. 4)

Where it’s @! Richard Thompson @ The Knitting Factory Leads Top Ten. Tom Burgess.

Wouldn’t You Just Know It: Female Directors Just like a Woman. Elizabeth Powers.

Editorial (p. 6)

Administration’s 4% Raise Should Go to Financial Aid or Library Funds

Horowitz: Request A Waiver for DSC Stipends from the Trustees

Letter to the Editor: Habermas Lecture “Misses the Point.” D.H. Evans.

Commentary (p. 7)

Open Letter to GSUC Pres. Frances Degen Horowitz. Jonathan Lang, Andrew Long and Jarrod Hayes.

Trying to Recover - Advice to New Students: Be Pragmatic and Get Involved in Campus Life. Christina Pretto.

Action in Public (p. 8)

Cultural Resistance: Notes from the Lower East Side. Michael Weinstein-Mohammed.

Left, Liberal, Conservative? Musings From a Conservative on World, Post 1965. Elizabeth Powers.

Action off Campus (p. 9)

The Consortium Arrangement: Using Other Schools’ Resources to Beat CUNY’s Austerity Nightmare. Michael Weinstein-Mohammed.

Announcements / Advertisements

Teach-In: Black Women and Academia (p. 5)

Bored? Depressed? Disgusted? Write for The Advocate (p. 6)

125th Anniversary Tribute to Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois (p. 7)

Advocate Submission Policy (p. 7)

Write Now! Get Involved in The Graduate Student Advocate (p. 7)

Feminist Students’ Organization (p. 9)

Found Object, Center for Cultural Studies. Call for Papers (p. 10)

International Socialist Club (p. 10)

Doctoral Students Council. Legal Help (p. 10)

Advertise in the Advocate (p. 11)

Save CUNY. CUNY Student Union (p. 12)



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