Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2025
An ERP Study of Attentional Blink and Inhibition of Return, Caesar Ekya
Constructing a Parameterized Stimuli Space Suitable to Induce Controlled Changes in Human and Machine Perceptual Systems, Andrew Frankel
The Psychophysiology of Primary and Secondary Variants of Psychopathic Traits in Youth, Ines Guariguata
Category Learning Reorganizes Internal Representations of Visual Artworks, Aishwarya Gurung
Vertex-Based Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow and Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations (CBF-fALFF) Coupling in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury During the First Year Post-Injury, Vaidehi Hemkumar Patel
Differential Mechanisms of Access in Working Memory: Comparing Global and Selective Retrieval, Jade M. Turbides
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Cross-Linguistic Differences in Neural Encoding and Processing of Stop Consonants: The Impact of Language Experience on Attention Allocation, Aline dos Santos Oliveira
Meconium: A Potential Means to Predicting Later-Life Cognition, Leah Duran
Fornix Integrity and Reaction Time to Novel Scenes and Objects in Visual Recognition Memory, Melissa Elder
The Effect of Alpha Binaural Beats on Virtual Reality Experiences, Andronikki C. Gerohristodoulos
Adaptations and Transformations: Perceptions of Change in Academic Motivation, Resilience, and COVID-19 Stress, Ella V. Gregorio
Pre-Stimulus Anticipation and Unconscious Fear Learning Disparities in Individuals with Varying Levels of Anxiety, Anastasiya Rumyantseva Kharlamova
Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Metamemory Vary by Task Difficulty, Tiffanie T. Li
Sexual Selection and Mate Preference in Astatotilapia Burtoni, Anastasia Martashvili
Flanker Task Performance in Young and Older Adults: A Behavioral and ERP Study, Fatima Medrano
Is Aggression In The Eye Of The Beholder?: An Eye-Tracking Study, Kemar P. Pickering
Resting-State EEG Microstate Features for Major Depressive Disorder Classification, George M. V. Quinn
Neurochemical Signaling of Reward-Based Learning in Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons, Kyla F. Wholley
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2023
Extinction of Threat Memory via Reconsolidation Interference: A Behavioral Intervention Meta-Analysis, Chris M. Andrae
Automatic Analysis of the Frequency, Vigor, and Complexity of Spontaneous Locomotion Bouts of Mice with Loss and Gain of Function of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Smoothened in Cholinergic Neurons, Aleksandra Feshchenko
The Effects of Music Therapy on Elderly Adults with Dementia, Jeante J. Jackson
Into the Unknown: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty in Threat-Safety Discrimination, Maia Kinney-Petrucha
Visualizing Dopamine Activity in Deletion of D2 Receptors in Medium Spiny Neurons, Kunhee Lee
Analysis of Electrophysiological Markers and Correlated Components of Neural Responses to Discourse Coherence, Kurt M. Masiello
Brainwaves, Memory, and Reward, Rebecca McCune
Examining Metacognitive Access to Low-Level Ensemble Representations, Vladimir Mudragel
Dendritic Spine Density and Morphology in the Dorsolateral Striatum Following a High Fat Diet, Tikva Nabatian
Modulatory Effects of Schreckstoff on the Startle Escape Response of Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Denis Shor
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2022
Neurocardiovascular Instability (NCVI) Risk as a Predictor of Cognitive Function in the Long Life Family Study, Rebecca Abraham
The Effects of Near-Threshold Color Manipulation on Perceptual Decision-Making and Confidence Report, Trevor Caruso
Investigating Steady State Visually Evoked Potentials as a Novel Biosignature for Anxiety-Related Attention Bias, Elizabeth R. Davis
Individual Differences in Coping with Large Multimodal Conflicts in a Spatial Orientation Paradigm, Cassandra J. Engstrom
Pupil Responses to Emotional Images and Relations with Alexithymic and Autistic Traits, Margaret Grinshtein
Testing an Overtraining Protocol for Fear Learning in Humans, Gordon M. Haskell
The Cognitive, Behavioral, Affective, and Physiological Components of Social Cognition in Esports and Education, Daisy Reyes
Unexpected Arousal Suppresses Memory and Metamemory Predictions During Associative Face-Name Recognition Task, Sameer Sabharwal-Siddiqi
The Impact of Focused Attention and Opening Monitoring Meditation Styles on Attention, Jennifer Wheary
Genetic Circadian Mosaics and the Clock Network’s Contributions to Sleep, Lukasz Widziszewski
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2021
Caffeine Modulation of Attention and Focus in Task Performance, Claudia R. Berger
Anticipatory Fear and Psychopathic Traits in Adolescents, Catherine Chan
Characterizing the Brain Dynamics and Eye Movement Behavior of Memory-Guided Saccades: a Preliminary Investigation of Distractor Influence on Memory-Guided Saccades, Angelo V. Colmenero
Cognitive Changes Caused by LPS-induced Neuroinflammation, Nancy De La Torre
Longitudinal Changes of Regional Myelin Water Fraction during First Year after Moderate-to-Severe Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury, Likowsky L. Desir
The Effect of Anticipatory Anxiety on Fear Extinction Learning, Daniela C. Echeverria
Machine Learning Classification of Traumatic Brain Injury Patients Versus Healthy Controls Using Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI, Vanessa I. Grass
Functional Connectivity Changes in the Default Mode Network in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Emily J. Haight
Apathy and Brain Atrophy During the First Year of Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study, Gulnaz Kudoiarova
Influence of Demographic, Clinical, and Neuroimaging Variables on Neuropsychological Recovery Trajectories After Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Elizabeth J. Leif
Using fNIRS to Identify Brain Regions Involved in Emotional Face Processing in Infants at High Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Christian Martinez
Working Memory Task Performance in Children With SLI: A Behavioral and ERP Study, Megan V. McVeety
Effects of Working Memory Load on Ensemble versus Individual Object Processing, Clark Moore
Delayed Modulation of Glutamate Receptors by Anti-Epileptic Drugs after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats, Edgar Rodriguez
Contributions of Reward Identity and Time Prediction Errors to Pavlovian Learning, Daniel B. Siegel
The Role of Placental Genes on Intellectual Disability and Developmental Delay, Maedot A. Yidenk
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2020
The Effects of Self-Esteem and Motivation on Cognitive Control, Andrea Benavides
Structural and Functional Brain Markers of Trauma-related Symptoms, Glenn Blessington
Proactive and Reactive Aggression, Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia, and Sleep in Adolescents, Allison L. Brasch
The Cognitive Thalamus: Source Analysis of Scene Working Memory Delay Activity, Bernard A. Gomes
A Glance at the Mirror: Ensemble Perception of Symmetry, Gene Jerskey
The Impact of a Single Session of Mindfulness Meditation on the Attentional Blink in Non-Meditators, Arielle L. Klopsis
Blocking Visual Awareness with Continuous Flash Suppression Prevents Cognitive Control, Jonathan LoVoi
Parent–Child Relationship, Resting Heart Rate, and Callous–Unemotional Traits in Adolescents, Eva M. Santucci
A Quadratic Analysis of Trait Anxiety and Heart Rate Variability, Katlyn Schroder
Memory for Episodic Details of Naturalistic Events Remains Stable Over the Course of One Week, Kennedy E. Stomberg