"Social Support, Social Companionship, and Social Distress in Young Adu" by Arta Ljubanovic

Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name





Carol A. Silverman, Ph. D., M.P.H.

Subject Categories

Speech Pathology and Audiology


cochlear implant, social relationships, young adults


Research has shown that social support has a positive impact on mental health and decreases levels of stress in young adults with normal-hearing sensitivity. Social relationships are one psychological construct that has not been previously studied in young adults with cochlear implants. In light of the importance of social support in the overall well-being of an individual and the lack of research on this topic in individuals with cochlear implants, the study purpose is to examine social relationships in young adults with cochlear implants and to determine the presence of any significant differences in social relationships between the group with cochlear implants and the group with normal-hearing sensitivity. The NIH Toolbox Social Relationship Assessment Battery (Cyranowski et al., 2013) was developed to assess various aspects of social relationships including social support, companionship, and social distress. This questionnaire was administered to young adults (between the ages of 18 and 30) with cochlear implants and young adults without hearing difficulty. The results indicate that young adults with cochlear implants generally do not differ in their perception of social support, social companionship, and social distress in comparison to their peers that do not experience hearing difficulty. Despite the fact that not all individuals with cochlear implants communicate verbally, the ability to create and maintain social relationships is similar in individuals with and without cochlear implants.

Ljubanovic Capstone Poster.pdf (133 kB)
Ljubanovic Capstone Poster
