Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name





William J. Parry

Subject Categories

History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology


Households, Jalieza, Landscapes, Oaxaca, Post-Collapse Continuity


Through the lens of household and landscape archaeology, this dissertation examines an Early Postclassic archaeological site located in Jalieza in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. The analysis reviews data collected during an intensive archaeological field survey consisting of mapping and systematic surface collection. The site of Postclassic Jalieza is compared with other Postclassic sites in the Valley, as well as with the Early Classic and Late Classic settlements at Jalieza. The Postclassic component at Jalieza is a single time-period occupation restricted to the Early Postclassic, thus presenting a rare glimpse into this turbulent and little understood episode in the history of the Valley of Oaxaca. The central argument of this dissertation will focus on understanding the relationship between the elite and commoner elements of this settlement and how their use of space within the landscape represents an important ideological continuity with the past. The deliberate recreation of key elements of traditional Zapotec architecture, site organization, and religious practice at Postclassic Jalieza indicate a strong connection with earlier settlements and practices. My contention is that Postclassic Jalieza represents a conservative community intentionally preserving and perpetuating traditional beliefs and practices during a period of social and political upheaval throughout the Valley of Oaxaca.
