Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Social Welfare


Sarah Jane (SJ) Dodd

Committee Members

Mary Clare Lennon

Andrea Savage

Subject Categories

Social and Behavioral Sciences


Post-9/11, veteran unemployment, statistics


This research has two objectives: to develop the case for examining Post-9/11 veteran unemployment through the prism of race and gender and to analyze Post-9/11 veteran unemployment, 2003-2015, through this demographic lens. First, it critically considers how entrenched normative assumptions and statistical methodologies for veteran unemployment analyses, largely irrespective of race, gender, and skill-biased technological change, impede the development of an alternate theoretical frame and analytical method to assess Post-9/11 veteran labor outcomes. As a result, scant information exists on the labor force outcomes of Post-9/11 veterans. Secondly, it conducts an intersectional methodological multivariate analysis of unemployment outcomes for Black, Hispanic, Asian, Multiethnic as well as White veterans, respectively.

This work is embargoed and will be available for download on Wednesday, September 30, 2026

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