Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name



Liberal Studies


Karen Miller

Subject Categories

Migration Studies | Social and Cultural Anthropology


Visual Ethnography, Photography, Multimedia, Immigration, Brentwood


Brentwood, New York is a working-class town of about 60,000 situated forty miles east of Manhattan on Long Island. As of the 2010 Census, 68.5 percent of residents are Latino or Hispanic, with 10.7 percent of the overall population living below the federal poverty level. Less than ten percent of the population has obtained a bachelors degree or higher. Street violence, gangs, and overall crime are frequently addressed at community meetings, igniting a fierce debate on immigration within the town that has reached national media, with critics arguing that the exponentially increasing Latino migrant population has caused this crisis.

The goal of this digital project is to explore and challenge immigration and violence in Brentwood. I employ ethnographic analysis by presenting interviews and photographs of current or past residents of Brentwood who are either immigrants or persons who have been affected by immigration. By using photographs, audio and text interviews, I create an immersive multimedia experience that tells a story focused on four female residents of Brentwood that explores not only immigration and violence, but also family and community. These profiles, along with notes and supporting documents from participant observation, showcase how students, lawyers, politicians, and activists are challenging critics by actively working within Brentwood to better their community. This project can be accessed at http://www.ashleymungo.com/11717

mungo-20180904213129.warc.gz (11697 kB)
Archived website as a WARC file, created using webrecorder.io – web archive player available at https://github.com/webrecorder/webrecorderplayer-electron
