"Know(ing) Thyself: Examining Complementary Practices of Health and Wel" by Ernest Andre Poole

Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Urban Education


Konstantinos Alexakos

Committee Members

Kenneth Tobin

David Forbes

Subject Categories

Alternative and Complementary Medicine | Elementary Education and Teaching | Other Education | Other Social and Behavioral Sciences


teacher as researcher, authentic inquiry, mindfulness, identity, elementary education, emotions, expression of emotions


How do we know the nature of a thing; of a person? This is not just a compilation of skills, theories, methods, and methodologies but an examination of the various facets of a human being trying to make sense of a single human being: himself. The research presented here is an attempt to gain a better understanding of self through examination of emotions and how they are expressed, movement and how it brings forth and may hold the possibility of inner wellness, pain and its power as a common language, and the relationship between knowing and feeling. Burgeoning spirituality, self-worth, and reconciliation of the actual and the perceived are part of mapping a personal curriculum used to better know, and hopefully understand, thyself.
