"Changes in Tinnitus Perception Following Cochlear Implantation and Hea" by Corinne L. Kohan

Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name





Barbara Weinstein


tinnitus handicap, cochlear implants and tinnitus, hearing aids and tinnitus, reducing tinnitus, tinnitus questionnaire validity


The purpose of this literature review is to identify changes in tinnitus post cochlear implantation and post amplification. Primarily subjective, qualitative measures including the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory, the Tinnitus Handicap Questionnaire, the Tinnitus Reaction Questionnaire, and the Tinnitus Questionnaire were used to obtain the data included. The questionnaires used were demonstrated to be valid in research. The results of this study indicate that both types of interventions consistently provide tinnitus relief or diminished tinnitus handicap among sufferers, although the mechanisms by which the suppression or reduction occurs may be a result of numerous factors. Cochlear implantation is more likely to result in post-operative tinnitus or in patients who did not report tinnitus previously or worsen pre-existing tinnitus, although it often resolves with time. Use of traditional amplification never resulted in tinnitus if tinnitus was not present previously; however, there were cases where amplification did not suppress tinnitus sufficiently such that perceived tinnitus handicap was eliminated altogether. Conclusion: both interventions have been demonstrated to often reduce tinnitus perception in sufferers.
