Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
Date of Degree
Document Type
Capstone Project
Degree Name
Liberal Studies
Christopher Schmidt
Subject Categories
International and Area Studies | International Relations | Political Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Justice
migration, human rights, migrant rights, climate justice, structural violence, immigration policy
Exile Garden of the Uprooted is a digital zine that advocates for a borderless world where migration is treated as an equal and fundamental human right for all. Through critical analysis and experimental forms of art and writing, this zine draws attention to the structural violence used to criminalize the movement of marginalized people, the role nations and individuals play in such violence, and the practical solutions that can be employed to normalize migration and build resilient societies that support fair movement for all. The short essays, found poems, and original art work in this zine are interdisciplinary reflections on access to migration and why it is increasingly becoming limited. Like many forms of inequality in modern society, free movement is yet another thing privileged classes have access to while the movement of people in lower socioeconomic classes is heavily policed and criminalized. The term migrant, in modern society, is a class-based and race-based identifier for who is excluded and exploited. Exile Garden of the Uprooted endeavors to make the general public aware of these critical issues, and presents equal access to migration as an integral part of our survival and possibility of adapting to an era marked by rapidly changing climate.
Recommended Citation
Afrin, Sazia, "Exile Garden of The Uprooted: A Zine About Migration and The Right to Move" (2022). CUNY Academic Works.
Included in
International and Area Studies Commons, International Relations Commons, Social Justice Commons