Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name



Data Analysis & Visualization


Jeremy R. Porter

Subject Categories

Health Services Administration | Maternal and Child Health | Patient Safety | Women's Health


Women's Health, Maternal deaths, Maternal Mortality Rates, Socioeconomic factors, Data Visualizations, Tableau


Maternal death is a tragedy with devastating effect on families and serves as an important indicator of the quality of a health system. Worldwide, the maternal mortality rate has fallen; however, the maternal mortality rate is increasing in the United States in comparison to other wealthy developed countries. The United States spends a lot of resources on healthcare funds and therefore, the increasing maternal mortality rate is alarming. Apart from this, the birth rates are decreasing, so, it is hard to understand the relationship between declining birth rates (and fertility rates) and inclining mortality rates – logically, this does not make sense. The reason behind this could be many factors and an awareness is needed so that the government-level authorities can bring some change by implementing policies to benefit the female population at risk. Therefore, this project gives an opportunity to explore various socioeconomic factors such as age, education level, race/ethnicity, and availability of resources in various states of the U.S. and analyze these factors using various interactive visualizations.
