Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name





Nico Israel

Committee Members

Joan Richardson

Mary McGlynn

Subject Categories

English Language and Literature


The dissertation has three chapters on three lengthy prose works: Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans (1925), James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake (1939) and Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities (1930-1943). Each of these books pursues the epic ambition to invent a new expansive form of literature; each of the chapters begins from a detailed close reading of their literary innovations to work through their principal formal problematics: Stein attempts to create a radically new conception of character; Joyce a language whose every word has an equivocal meaning; Musil a narration of extreme irony. Around the time these authors were writing, early theorists of the novel like Mikhail Bakhtin and Georg Lukács supposed that it had become impossible to write an epic of the modern world, whose open-ended complexity could not be represented in its totality. By studying these impossible attempts to strive nevertheless for that totality, the readings explore wide-ranging questions about modernist literature’s ability to engage with its complex social world.

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