Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Political Science


George Andreopoulos

Subject Categories

International Relations | Political Science


Kosovo Conflict, context analysis, group narratives, victimization, contemporary policies, special intent


The small country of Kosovo has been a point of contestation in the Western Balkans for decades. In that regard, the country has divided the two main feuding groups into Albanians and Serbians, who contemporarily showcase intense ethnic rivalries. The 1998-1999 conflict impacted the region's demographics, the international community's normative changes, and the contemporary policies of the now-independent country. The Kosovo War is often attributed to ethnic tensions and the rise of nationalism. At the same time, the NATO intervention that created a series of dissenting opinions is pinned on the humanitarian crisis. All notions that stand. This thesis aims to analyze the Kosovo Conflict and its aftereffects deeper, by navigating how narratives of victims and villains intersecting with mentions of genocide and ethnic cleansing affected the actions of stakeholders. By historical process tracing and contextual analysis, this piece regards not solely the legal framework but also the approaches and methods of group narratives to advance their interests through victimization and Otherness.

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