Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Women's and Gender Studies


Nancy K. Miller

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Women's Studies


memoir, feminism, patriarchy, autobiography, politics


This memoir travels into my experience growing up in Puerto Rico throughout moments of joy, sorrow, triumph, and growth. Through memorable recollections and introspective thoughts, the memoir navigates memory, offering insights into my relationships, aspirations, and struggles. Each chapter unfolds and captures the essence of my life up until this moment.

I explore my ability to overcome challenges with resilience and grace, discovering strength in vulnerability and wisdom in the face of adversity. Through moments of self-discovery and profound transformation, they unearth the threads of my resilience, embracing both the light and shadow that define my life experience.

This memoir invites readers on their own personal journey of reflection and introspection. I invite readers to embark on a parallel voyage of self-discovery, where re-vision (Rich, Adrienne. 1971) serves as testament to the past and a compass for the future.

Ultimately, Grieving: A Record of my Becoming is a celebration of my spirit—a tribute to the enduring power of resilience, hope, and the bonds that connect us all. Through memory, I invite readers to embrace the full spectrum of our own experiences, finding solace and inspiration in shared stories that unite us all.
