Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Liberal Studies


Karen Miller

Subject Categories

Ethics and Political Philosophy | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Feminist Philosophy | Political Theory


Praxis, Nonideal Theory, Feminism, Liberation, Revolution, Daoism


The question of how to change the world is answered in the concept of praxis. For structural change to occur a “revolution in motivation or feeling,” - a paradigm shift - is needed. I argue that this requires the adoption of feminist liberation praxis, which involves a negativistic political stance, nonideal theorizing, and an openness to self-transformation. This entails a transformation of the concept of praxis itself within the Leftist idiom, a transformation which could be the linchpin of the needed paradigm shift in the larger culture.

The three parts of this thesis elaborate upon the different aspects of this praxis. The first part focuses on the dangers of “positive ideation,” in particular utopian thinking. The second part elaborates on feminist praxis, explaining the need for nonideal theory, and for men to participate in feminist revolution. The third part analogizes a paradigm shift that took place in ancient China, resulting in the emergence of Daoism as a spiritual tradition, to the paradigm shift that is needed in our contemporary world. The conclusion contains a critique of Leftist academia for its hostility towards theology and the “spiritual realm,” as well as a meditation upon the implementation of praxis.

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