Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type


Degree Name



Comparative Literature


Nancy K. Miller

Subject Categories

Arts and Humanities | Classical Literature and Philology | Comparative Literature | Film and Media Studies | French and Francophone Literature | German Literature | Literature in English, British Isles | Literature in English, North America | Modern Languages


Sontag, Woolf, Carson, Gadamer, Interpretation, Visual Art


In “Against Interpretation,” Susan Sontag argues for an erotics of art in art criticism in place of hermeneutics. In this thesis, I examine erotics of art, a focus on form and experiencing art instead of exclusively on content, in practice. Drawing on other essays by Sontag, specifically the essay “Godard” in comparison with the filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard’s own filmic criticism in Breathless, criticism according to an erotics of art becomes a new artwork itself. Subsequently, I present a definition of erotic through Anne Carson and Roland Barthes and juxtapose the term with Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutics. The comparison ultimately undoes the supposed binary. In terms of art criticism then, I argue that the language of erotics of art is ekphrasis – making new art from existing art, which Anne Carson further applies in her poetry. Then I present Virginia Woolf as an ekphrastic writer within several genres. Woolf both critiques art explicitly in her essays that center around the experience of viewing a work of art, and she transforms mental images of memories into visual art through her pictorial descriptions. I argue that her novel The Waves combines the multiple levels of erotics of art criticism through ekphrasis in the depiction of different works of art, and in her writing process.

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