Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name



Digital Humanities


Shawna Brandle

Subject Categories

Digital Humanities | Literature in English, British Isles | Literature in English, North America | Modern Literature | Online and Distance Education | Poetry


Poetry, Open Educational Resources, OER, English Language and Literature, Digital Humanities, Literature


Ekphrasis: An Exploration of Poetry Inspired by Art” is an Open Educational Resource (OER) that occupies the underdeveloped niche of freely available teaching and learning materials about the interdisciplinary poetic medium of ekphrasis. Ekphrastic poetry is a form dating back to Book XVIII of the Iliad, experiencing a revitalization in the latter half of the 18th century, when demand for written descriptions of paintings was in high demand, and again taking on a new, modern meaning in the early 19th century, with poems like John Keats’ 1819 “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” Ekphrasis is a thriving art, boasting its own literary journal dedicated solely to the genre: The Ekphrastic Review.

This OER contains a sampling of public-domain ekphrastic poems alongside curated resources to accompany each poem and artwork. Teaching materials were created, including documents about critical analysis of ekphrastic poetry, the creation of ekphrastic works, and the definitions and history of ekphrasis, as well as a document exploring the ethical and sociopolitical implications of requests for the repatriation of artworks held in the British Museum. Special attention was paid to issues of accessibility and diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as the creation of a resource that could be accessed both online and off for those who have sporadic Internet access due to socioeconomic or geographic reasons.

Ekphrasis.warc (142676 kB)
An archived version of the Manifold Website in the form of a WARC file

Ekphrasis-main.zip (6095 kB)
A ZIP file of the accompanying GitHub repository, which includes stable PDFs and editable Word Documents of curated and created content
