Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects

Date of Degree


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name





Adrienne Rubinstein

Subject Categories

Speech Pathology and Audiology


Noise induced hearing loss is a deficit in the sensorineural part of the hearing mechanism, produced by the damaging effects of overstimulation by high intensity sound levels, usually over a period of time. Much of the noise literature has focused on occupational noise; however, the noise levels measured at non occupational and recreational settings have been found to be notably high as well. Attitudes and behaviors may vary based on demographics as such hearing conservational practices may benefit by honing in on demographic information. In the Orthodox Jewish community, weddings have a central role in community life, attended by many in the community on a regular basis. Thus, our study investigated overall attitudes of 149 attendees regarding music levels at Orthodox Jewish weddings as well as assessing possible associations of attitudes with age and gender. A survey was developed and responses to items were analyzed using SPSS software. In addition, noise measurements were collected at three Orthodox Jewish weddings utilizing the Casella 35xdBadge and analyzed with the accompanying software package. Results indicated an overall awareness of loud levels, with 68% responding that the dancing section was too loud and 75% acknowledging that the noise reaches dangerous levels. Chi square analysis revealed significant associations between attitudes towards loud music and age, indicating older adults possess a healthier attitude. towards loud music. There was no significant association found with gender. Dosimeter recordings demonstrated that music levels at such venues exceed recommended guidelines. Thus, many members of the community have frequent exposures to loud levels, including young children. Hearing conservation efforts should continue to raise awareness about the potential danger of loud sound exposure, especially among the young segments of the population.
