Dissertations from 2025
Taming Biological Complexity Through the Use of Symmetries, Luis A. Álvarez-García
Predicting the Dynamics of Complex Networks from Structural Phenomena, George Furbish
Underlying Mechanisms of Quantum Emission in Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Enrique Alejandro Mejia IV
Spin High-Harmonic Generation Through Terahertz Laser-Driven Phonons, Negin Moharrami Allafi
Dissertations from 2024
Active Galactic Nuclei - The Arrhythmic Beat of a Galactic Heart, Henry James Best V
Quantics Tensor Trains: The Study of a Continuous Lattice Model and Beyond, Aleix Bou Comas
A Machine Learning Approach to Discovering Physical Models of Galaxy Formation, Festa Bucinca
Exciton Dynamics, Interaction, and Transport in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Saroj Chand
Unconventional Computing With Photonic Oscillator Networks, Mostafa Honari Latifpour
Design and Characterization of De Novo Photoactivated Charge Separating Proteins, Paul M. Molinaro
Interplay of Magnetic Impurities and Superconductivity in Topological Materials, Didier Ndengeyintwali
Modeling and Dynamics of Capillary Bridges, Moyosore Odunsi
Design, Fabrication, and Spectroscopy of Photocatalytic Materials in Visible Spectrum, Yamuna Paudel
Shear Viscosity of Quasi One-Dimensional BEC Tubes and Entanglement Negativity Conditions, Camilla Polvara
Aspects of Parity Breaking in Classical and Quantum Fluids, Dylan J. Reynolds
Dissertations from 2023
One-Loop Corrections to Dihadron Production in DIS at Small x, Filip Bergabo
Stokes Vector Modulation of Optical Signals; Coherence, Noise, and Digital Signal Processing, Mario Bnyamin
Beam-Based Target Alignment for Mu2e, Helenka Casler
Nonlinear Processes in Room Temperature Exciton-Polaritons, Prathmesh Deshmukh
The Role of Nuclear Quantum Effects in Supercooled Water and Amorphous Ice, Ali H. Eltareb
Tunable Linear and Nonlinear Metasurfaces Based on Hybrid Gold-Graphene Plasmons, Matthew Feinstein
Phase Transitions and Thermal Stability of the Magnetic Dual Chiral Density Wave Phase in Cold, Dense QCD, William G. Gyory
Dynamics of Spin and Charge of Color Centers in Diamond under Cryogenic Conditions, Richard G. Monge
Rotation Period Distributions and Light Curve Morphologies of Low Mass Stars and Young Associations, Mark Popinchalk
Dynamics in Designed Elastins and Enzymes, Jonathan M. Preston
Hydrodynamic and Physicochemical Interactions Between an Active Janus Particle and an Inactive Particle, Jessica S. Rosenberg
Thermodynamics of Learning With Parametric Probabilistic Models, Shervin Sadat Parsi
The Study of Excitons in 2D Novel Materials and Their van der Waals Heterostructures in the Magnetic Field, Anastasia Spiridonova
A Quantum Approach to Language Modeling, Constantijn van der Poel
Revealing The Three-Dimensional Magnetic Texture with Machine Learning Models, Shihua Zhao
Dissertations from 2022
Electron Transport in Quantum Systems with Interaction, Sara Abedi
NMR Characterization of Novel Materials for Battery Electrolyte Applications, Sahana Bhattacharyya
Control of Nonlinear Properties of van der Waals Materials, Rezlind Bushati
Charge Transport and Spin Dynamics of Color Centers in Diamond, Damon Daw
Stability of Two-Dimensional Magnetic Skyrmions, Amel Derras-Chouk
Collective Behavior of Dissipatively-Coupled Photonic Oscillator Networks, Jiajie Ding
Astrophysics, Cosmology and Particle Phenomenology at the Energy Frontier, Jorge Fernandez Soriano
Magnetic Field Effects on the Physics of Neutron Stars, Aric A. Hackebill
Symmetries, Zero Modes and Light Transport in Non-Hermitian Photonics, Jose David Hernandez Rivero
NMR Study of Materials for Energy Storage Devices, Nishani K. Jayakody
Using Protonation Microstates and Hydrogen Bond Networks to Track Proton Transfer Pathways in Complex I, Umesh Khaniya
Symmetry-Inspired Analysis of Biological Networks, Ian Leifer
Optical Studies of Wide Bandgap Photonic Materials, Nikesh Maharjan
Connections Between Atmospheric Blocking, General Circulation, and Weather Extremes in a Hierarchy of Models and Various Climates, Veeshan Narinesingh
Removal of Anisotropic Background from Neutral Pion and Tagged Direct Photon–Hadron Correlations of Au+Au 200 GeV Collisions, Zachary Rowan
Driven Dipolaritons in Van der Waals Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures: Properties and Applications, Patrick Serafin
Stacking the Gamma-ray Sky to Search for Faint Astrophysical Populations, Yuzhe Song
High Water-Responsiveness of Peptidoglycan and its Water-Responsive Mechanism, Haozhen Wang
The Separation of Charm and Bottom Decays Measured in p+Au Collisions at 200 GeV, Zhiyan Wang
Dissertations from 2021
Developing Dynamical Probes of Quantum Spin Liquids Inspired by Techniques from Spintronics, Joshua Aftergood
Skyrmions and Biskyrmions in Magnetic Films, Daniel Capic
Quantum Transport in Topological Magnets, Haiming Deng
Wave Excitation and Dynamics in Disordered Systems, Yiming Huang
Linear and Non Linear Properties of Two-Dimensional Exciton-Polaritons, Mandeep Khatoniar
A Unified Approach to M Dwarf Ages, Rocio Kiman
Topological Classical Wave Systems With Modulations, Interactions, and Higher-order Topological States, Mengyao Li
Magnetic Resonance Characterization Studies of Sodium and Lithium-based Energy Storage Materials, Daniel J. Morales
Third Harmonic Generation: A Method for Visualizing Myelin in the Murine Cerebral Cortex, Michael Redlich
Optimization of Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration and Thermomagnetic Power Generation, Anthony N. Tantillo
Diffraction-Based Studies of Magneto- and Baro-Caloric Materials, Steven P. Vallone
Dissertations from 2020
Generating Entanglement with the Dynamical Lamb Effect, Mirko Amico
Proton Pumping Mechanism in Cytochrome c Oxidase, Xiuhong Cai
Linear and Non-Linear Elastic Constants of Crystalline Materials from First-Principles Calculations, David Cuffari
II-VI Type-II Quantum Dot Superlattices for Novel Applications, Vasilios Deligiannakis
Understanding Atmospheres Across the Stellar-Substellar Boundary, Eileen C. Gonzales
Wave Propagation in Random and Topological Media, Yuhao Kang
Small-x QCD Calculations with a Biased Ensemble, Gary Kapilevich
Particle Dynamics in Anti-de Sitter Space by EIH Method, Jiusi Lei
Density Functional Theory Study of Two-Dimensional Boron Nitride Films, Pradip R. Niraula
Duality in a Model of Layered Superfluids and Sliding Phases, Steven Vayl
Emulating Condensed Matter Systems in Classical Wave Metamaterials, Matthew Weiner
Control of Molecular Energetics and Transport via Strong Light-Matter Interaction, Rong Wu
Generalized Four-Dimensional Effective Hadronic Supersymmetry Based on Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), Enxi Yu
Dissertations from 2019
Stability and Application of the k-core Dynamical Model to Biological Networks, Francesca Beatrice Arese Lucini
Optical and Collective Properties of Excitons in 2D Semiconductors, Matthew N. Brunetti
Coulomb Excitation and Transport Properties of Monolayer Graphene and the alpha-T3 Lattice, Dipendra Dahal
Control of Energy Transfer and Molecular Energetics using Photonic Nanostructures, Rahul Deshmukh
Sequential Discrimination Between Non-Orthogonal Quantum States, Dov L. Fields
Exciton Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Jie Gu
Physics and Mathematics of Graded Quivers, Azeem Hasan
Magnetic Resonance Studies of Free Radicals Generation and their Impact in Different Polymers, Sunita Humagain
Topological Insulating States in Photonics and Acoustics, Xiang Ni
Control of Light-Matter Interactions via Nanostructured Photonic Materials, Nicholas Proscia
On Different Parametrizations of Feynman Integrals, Ray Daniel Sameshima
Emergent Critical Properties in Liquid-Gas Transition and Single Dislocations in Solid He4, Max Yarmolinsky
Interplay of Magnetism, Superconductivity, and Topological Phases of Matter, Cody Youmans
Dissertations from 2018
A Network Theoretical Approach to Real-World Problems: Application of the K-Core Algorithm to Various Systems, Kate Burleson-Lesser
Optimization of CuInxGa1-xSe2 Solar Cells with Post Selenization, Zehra Cevher
Baryons and Interactions in Magnetic Fields, Amol Deshmukh
Pregnancy Induced Alterations of Reproductive Tract Collagen and Elastin in a Murine Model, Basant K. Dhital
Charge State Dynamics and Quantum Sensing with Defects in Diamond, Jacob D. Henshaw
Quantum and Classical Transport of 2D Electrons in the Presence of Long and Short Range Disorder, Jesse Kanter
Finding Paths via Quantum Systems and Its Application for Quantum Algorithms, Daniel S. Koch