Publications and Research
Document Type
Review (of Book, Film, Etc.)
Publication Date
Study of development in the Caribbean Basin is incomplete with- out considering the socioeconomic impact of international labor migration on this region, which is defined here as including Mexico, the Carib- bean archipelago, Central America, Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. Most of the seven books under review deal with the specific case of the Dominican Republic and in doing so bring new theoretical sophistication and depth to examining the link between migration and development. In this way, they expand understanding of the present-day Dominican reality, which involves massive migration by Dominicans to the United States-mainly to New York but also on a smaller scale to Puerto Rico. The Dominican experience suggests parallels with other Caribbean societies that are experiencing similar processes of penetration, incorporation, and out-migration, hence the inclusion in this review of the two volumes edited by Sergio Diaz-Briquets and Sydney Weintraub and by Anthony Maingot.