Publications and Research
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Fall 7-12-2021
Dual graphs have been applied to model RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots, or intertwined base pairs. In previous works, a linear-time algorithm was introduced to partition dual graphs into maximally connected components called blocks and determine whether each block contains a pseudoknot or not. As pseudoknots can not be contained into two different blocks, this characterization allow us to efficiently isolate smaller RNA fragments and classify them as pseudoknotted or pseudoknot-free regions, while keeping these sub-structures intact. Moreover we have extended the partitioning algorithm by classifying a pseudoknot as either recursive or non-recursive in order to continue with our research in the development of a library of building blocks for RNA design by fragment assembly. In this paper we present a methodology that uses our previous results and classify pseudoknots into the classical H,K,L, and M types, based upon a novel representation of RNA secondary structures as dual directed graphs (i.e., digraphs). This classification would help the systematic analysis of RNA structure and prediction as for example the implementation of more accurate folding algorithms.
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Bioinformatics Commons, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, Other Mathematics Commons