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Relationships among sports, physical activity (PA) participation, and educational outcomes have been studied in various venues, however, used a longitudinal method with a national sample of Asian-American High-School Students (AAHSS) was barely covered. This study employed the latest National High-School Longitudinal Study data (Participants, N = 950); hierarchical regression modeling and intersectionality theory examined, analyzed, and evaluated the relationships among sports, PA participation, and the outcomes on the physical education grade point average (Phys-Ed GPA). Moreover, the demographics factors impact on the participants' Phys-Ed GPA was also analyzed and evaluated. The primary results included: 1) the female students who participate in Organized Sports had a higher Phys-Ed GPA, and that relationship was true for male students with the exception that this relationship is not statistically significant once demographic variables are added to the model. 2) Hours Spent on Extracurricular Activities had no effect on Phys-Ed GPA for both male and female students. 3) The impact of Academic Behavior was positive and robust, that is, to female and male participants, the higher the Academic Behavior the higher the Phys-Ed GPA. 4) Having Pride in one’s school had a positive relationship with the Phys-Ed GPA for the female students; however, no significant effect for the male students; and etc. Our findings confirmed and reinforced the importance of participating in sports and PA in fostering positive attitude toward which resulting better Phys-Ed GPA, and other educational outcomes for the AsianAmerican high school students. Our investigation further explains the importance of redistributing social structures in order to create equal educational opportunities for Asian American communities and their children, all of these may provide meaningful information or a scientific basis for the policymakers to make future policy.


This article was originally published in Journal of Physical Education and Sport, available at



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