
Graduation Date

Fall 12-15-2017

Grading Professor

Bijoyeta Das

Subject Concentration


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The story is about how an Ethiopian immigrant, Mariya Abdulkaf is dealing with the effects of the racism she experienced while growing up in Texas. However, she is one of many women of color who continue to educate and awaken the communities to which they belong. In a social climate where, according to a study done by the Pew Research Center, 60 percent of Americans believe race relations have worsened a year into the Trump Administration; and groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union and others assert that women of color are “bearing the brunt of a mass of harmful policies” from the Trump Administration, many women of color, like Abdulkaf have decided to address these issues head on as they continue to find solutions to how to belong and thrive in America.

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Abdulkaf recalls a harrowing memory from middle school

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Abdulkaf reflects on the racism she experienced growing up

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Mariya Abdulkaf in her East Williamsburg neighborhood

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Abdulkaf welcomes the group to her home and commences discussion on gentrification

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Dr. Chen explains how white supremacy affects people of color

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Abdulkaf listens to her group as they discuss issues with gentrification

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Frances Sola-Santiago in her Puerto Rican Flag leather jacket



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