
Graduation Date

Fall 12-16-2019

Grading Professor

Linda Prout

Subject Concentration


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


The series of videos below were all produced between Sep-Nov 2019. They were part of 219 West, a news magazine TV show, airing on CUNY-TV and produced by the graduate students at the Craig Newmark School of Journalism.

While the videos might not have an obvious common thread, I saw them all as attempts to show New Yorkers who were challanging societal norms by centering their hobbies in life while surviving in the big apple.

The stories show a soccer player, a visual artists, and a skater, that either for pleasure, or to make a living, spend much of their week pursuing their passions. But, their stories are by no means cliche success stories of following your dreams. At best, they are a minor victory against the 9–5 life.




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