
Graduation Date

Fall 12-16-2018

Grading Professor

Karen Mullarkey

Subject Concentration


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Cuba only existed in the quiet whispers and faded memories of my mother and her two sisters. As children, they were refugees fleeing Castro. All my life, I heard their stories. I would hear about the family that never made it across that narrow strait, how the heat on the island was never oppressive because of cool breezes that rolled in with the waves that crashed on its shores. There was never a more beautiful country. They have never returned to Cuba.

I have sought to document the diaspora of one family divided by politics. Mixing portraiture, archival images with documentary photography these images illustrate the divide between past and present. My work explores how despite decades of separation both sides of my family reach out to each other to say, “I am here, don’t forget me.”



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