
Graduation Date

Fall 12-15-2023

Grading Professor

Jennifer Wilson

Subject Concentration

Business & Economics

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


This Capstone project examines how recapping developed into a unique, legitimate genre of television criticism. It examines the difference between recaps, which function as overnight or episodic reviews of each installment of a television show, and traditional television reviews that analyzes a season of a television show as a singular unit. The project explores how television--and television recaps--provide community to those who want to engage in immersive, detailed discussions of their favorite television shows with other like-minded fans. Additionally, the Capstone goes into who gets to set the rules of discourse between television fans and television recappers in terms of balancing sincere critical analysis vs fan-driven praise, as well as how the evolution of the internet has triggered a corresponding evolution of the form into different content mediums outside of print.

Included in

Television Commons



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