"Building an AST Eclipse Plug-in" by Raffi T. Khatchadourian

Open Educational Resources

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Publication Date

Winter 1-3-2023


Complete the Building an AST Eclipse Plug-in assignment. Once it works, find a medium-sized open-source Java project to run your plugin on. You may want to explore GitHub. Import the project into Eclipse and run your plug-in on it. Report on the following, which may require you to change some of the source code so that it is convenient:

  1. Project name.
  2. Project URL.
  3. Project description.
  4. The number of classes in the project.
  5. The number of user-defined methods in the project.
  6. For each class, the number of method calls.
  7. Statistics about the method calls:
    1. The total number of method calls for all methods in the project.
    2. The minimum number of method calls for any given method in the project.
    3. The maximum number of method calls for any given method in the project.
    4. The mean number of method calls for any given method in the project.
    5. The standard deviation of the above.
    6. The mode number of method calls for any given method in the project.
    7. The medium number of method calls for any given method in the project.


This assignment is based on an assignment by Jason Sawin and Atanas Rountev.. Part of CSc 71010/CSCI 77100: Programming Languages/Software Engineering (FA ’22).

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

instructions.md (9 kB)
Source markdown

sample_report.txt (1 kB)
MyVisitor.java (11 kB)
InfoGatherer.java (7 kB)
