Open Educational Resources
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Winter 1-3-2023
Complete the Building an AST Eclipse Plug-in assignment. Once it works, find a medium-sized open-source Java project to run your plugin on. You may want to explore GitHub. Import the project into Eclipse and run your plug-in on it. Report on the following, which may require you to change some of the source code so that it is convenient:
- Project name.
- Project URL.
- Project description.
- The number of classes in the project.
- The number of user-defined methods in the project.
- For each class, the number of method calls.
- Statistics about the method calls:
- The total number of method calls for all methods in the project.
- The minimum number of method calls for any given method in the project.
- The maximum number of method calls for any given method in the project.
- The mean number of method calls for any given method in the project.
- The standard deviation of the above.
- The mode number of method calls for any given method in the project.
- The medium number of method calls for any given method in the project.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License. (9 kB)
Source markdown
sample_report.txt (1 kB) (11 kB) (7 kB)
Source markdown
sample_report.txt (1 kB) (11 kB) (7 kB)
This assignment is based on an assignment by Jason Sawin and Atanas Rountev.. Part of CSc 71010/CSCI 77100: Programming Languages/Software Engineering (FA ’22).