"Comics, Questions, Action! Engaging Students and Instruction Librarian" by Stephanie Margolin, Mason Brown et al.

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In a four-session Summer Bridge programme, we experimented with new curricular and pedagogical ideas with a group of incoming freshmen. We developed the Comics-Questions Curriculum (CQC), which melds students’ question asking with a focus on comics. The purpose of this paper is to describe the rationale for and ongoing development of the CQC as well as the ways the CQC fosters engagement of students and librarians, builds upon students’ existing skills but propels them forward toward college-level work, and positions librarians as partners in students’ college work. Although it was designed for a specific purpose initially, the CQC in its current state is widely adaptable to other contexts beyond the original scope.


This work was originally published in Journal of Information Literacy, available at http://dx.doi.org/10.11645/12.2.2467



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