Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Art & Art History

First Advisor

Harper Montgomery

Second Advisor

Lynda Klich

Academic Program Adviser

Lynda Klich


This thesis explores the social circle of Surrealist exiles that formed at the home of Remedios Varo and Benjamin Péret on Calle Gabino Barreda between 1941 and 1947. This group is immortalized in Gunther Gerzso’s painting Los Días de la Calle Gabino Barreda (1944) and includes Gerzso, Varo, Péret, Esteban Francés, and Leonora Carrington. This thesis argues that the environment cultivated on Calle Gabino Barreda provided these artists with a place to expand on what they learned in Europe to develop their Surrealist practice in Mexico.



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