Date of Award

Summer 8-7-2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Matthew Baker

Second Advisor

Randall K. Filer

Academic Program Adviser

Randall K. Filer


This study employs pooled OLS and fixed effect regressions to examine the effects of ambient air pollution on self-reported school attendance in the 423 most populous counties in the United States. Information from the U.S. Census’ American Community Survey’s annual estimate is compared against county-level data for 14 common air pollutant variables. When making this comparison for the general population, we find statistically significant results for only one pollutant: ozone. We find further significant effects for the presence of ozone when respondents are grouped by race/ethnicity and by poverty ratio, indicating that effects of pollution, like many other social ills, may be borne disproportionately by the poor and people of color.



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