"Development of Multiplex PCR Assay as a basis for Predicting Pigment R" by Stephanie A. Rodriguez

Date of Award

Fall 11-30-2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Forensic Science



First Advisor or Mentor

Richard Li

Second Reader

Artem Domashevskiy

Third Advisor

Elisa Wurmbach


Currently, short tandem repeats are used in forensic DNA typing to identify the DNA profiles recovered from evidence samples and deceased individuals. Recently, SNPs that are related to pigmentation have been researched for their use in the identification of phenotypic traits. The development of a SNP panel that could successful identify the eye and skin color of an individual, would be immensely useful in missing person cases or mass disaster victim identification. Eight SNPs were selected into a SNaPshot assay that could accurately predict eye and skin color, five for eye color and six for skin color. Development of the SNaPshot assay begins with development of a multiplex PCR. A multiplex PCR of these eight SNPs was developed to be incorporated into this assay, so it can be used for identification of phenotypic traits. Primer pairs for each of the eight SNPs were tested in singleplex reactions for their accuracy and efficiency. Successful primers were subsequently pooled into multiplex reactions to determine which primers could function together in a multiplex reaction with accurate results.

Included in

Biology Commons



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