Date of Award
Spring 5-12-2020
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Criminal Justice
First Advisor or Mentor
Karen Terry
Second Reader
Valery West
Third Advisor
Jeff Mellow
This study explores religious, societal, and intrafamilial factors that prevent Ultra-Orthodox Jewish male survivors of child sexual abuse from reporting the incidents. Five men were recruited and participated in in-depth interviews. The findings indicate that child sexual abuse in Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities was and is underreported. The factors that were identified as influential on the reporting decisions included religious rules and regulations, lack or deficient sexual and legal education, and communal and intrafamilial efforts to silence a child and cover up the abuse. The results link the religious and educational background of male survivors of sexual abuse and their reporting patterns.
Recommended Citation
Pastukhov Semchenkov, Yevgeniy, "Reporting of Sexual Assault and Abuse of Males in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Community" (2020). CUNY Academic Works.