Date of Award

Spring 4-4-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Forensic Psychology



First Advisor or Mentor

Casey LaDuke

Second Reader

Cynthia Calkins

Third Advisor

David DeMatteo


Construct validity is an important and under-examined source of evidence contributing to the psychometric properties of risk assessment instruments. This study assessed the construct and predictive validities of the LS/CMI examining a sample of 95 incarcerated male participants in the Northeastern United States. Results support a two-factor structure for the instrument, with the Criminal History, Education/Employment, Procriminal Attitude, and Antisocial Pattern subscales demonstrating convergence with other well-validated measures of these constructs. The results further suggest relatively weak discriminative ability for predicting recidivism (AUC = 0.67). Further research examining and integrating the construct and predictive validity of the LS/CMI specifically is needed.

Included in

Psychology Commons



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