Date of Award

Spring 5-23-2024

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Forensic Science



First Advisor or Mentor

Mechthild Prinz

Second Reader

Michelle O’Rourke

Third Advisor

Mark Desire


The goal of this study is to internally validate the ANDE 6C Rapid DNA I-Chip reagent for use on disaster victim identification (DVI) samples. The internal validation tested nine samples each of postmortem blood, tissue, and bone. This study tested the instrument’s precision, accuracy, repeatability, and reproducibility. Precision and accuracy were tested by confirming that the same sample run on the ANDE instrument and the Power Plex Fusion amplification system produced a DNA profile that is consistent with the known profile. Repeatability was tested through confirming the correct results are obtained for sample runs performed by the same operator. Reproducibility was tested by confirming the correct results for the same known samples were obtained when run by two different instrument operators. Two different sample treatments were tested for samples prior to being loaded. One treatment used the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner’s (OCME) organic extraction protocol and the other used the ANDE Corporation’s Bone Solution. This study concluded that further testing is required to complete the I-chip validation for postmortem DVI samples of blood, tissue, and bone. The observed problems concerned concordance and reagent failures. This study proposes that these issues were the result of too much input DNA causing overblown electropherograms.



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