Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Forensic Science



First Advisor or Mentor

Angelique Corthals

Second Reader

Jennifer Rosati

Third Advisor

Ashley Morgan


This research aims to compare the resulting characteristics caused by thermal exposure to bone samples – such as physical composition, microscopic histology, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis – to the qualitative and quantitative DNA analysis within the samples. By using kilns to cremate sus scrofa domesticus bone samples at five different temperatures, cortical and cancellous bones of the tibia, humerus, femur, and fibula will be analyzed and compared to determine any correlation with these factors and the presence of viable DNA. This contribution to research within the realm of forensic anthropology can grant a better understanding of how bone samples react to increasing temperatures, with the ultimate goal of improving methodologies for the identification of burn victims.



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