Date of Award

Winter 1-23-2018

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Forensic Mental Health Counseling



First Advisor or Mentor

Kevin Nadal

Second Reader

Veronica Johnson

Third Advisor

Silvia Mazzula


Asexuality as a non-heterosexual identity is a target of microaggressions similar to those experienced by other non-heterosexual identities. In this study asexual participants reported experiencing invalidation, sexual normativity/romantic normativity, pathologization, ignorance, general LGBTQIAP+ prejudice, dehumanization, rejection, disappointment, infantilization, tokenization, sexual threats/pressure, and sexual assault/corrective rape. These microaggressions came from various sources; family, partners/potential partners, friends/acquaintances, medical professionals, media, school systems, other LGBTQIAP+ people, and religious institutions. These led to emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions. Participants also reported negative mental health outcomes they linked to these microaggressions.



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