
Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Earth, Environmental and Geospatial Sciences

First Advisor

Dr. Yuri Gorokhovich

Second Advisor

Dr. Carolynne Hultquist


Urban flooding poses a serious challenge to development and the lives of people, particularly the residents of the rapidly expanding towns and cities in developing countries. Floods affect people's livelihood in Southeast (SE) Asia, ranging from death and injury to damaged homes, infrastructures, and agricultural land. In addition, floods expose infrastructure to more risks of structural damage, wearing them out, and aging them quickly, thus increasing maintenance and replacement costs.

Presented study found associations between such infrastructure elements as sill height, floors, building structures (e.g., attached vs. detached), slope, drainage, land-use, and street conditions. The study used Mechanical Turk method to collect data for comparative analysis using Kernel Density Estimation, Hotspot Analysis (Gedis-Ord Gi*), and Thiessen Polygon to define the best visualization of the flood vulnerability in five major cities in Southeast Asia.



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