Open Educational Resources

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Publication Date

Fall 2020


EDS 705: Focusing on the selection, adaptation, design, modification, and evaluation of curriculum and instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse young children with special needs. The development of appropriate IFSP and IEP goals, instructional objectives, and lesson plans in relation to the child's levels of functioning and cultural and linguistic background. Also addressing the selection of instructional materials and technologies; individualization and group service delivery; collaborative teaching; training of parents as reinforcers of acquired skills; adaptive and social skill acquisition; and the evaluation of students and programs. Course requires submission of a videotaped lesson for evaluation.

EDS 710: Selection, adaptation, design, modification, and evaluation of curriculum and instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse childhood students with disabilities in inclusive settings. The development of I.E.P. goals, instructional objectives, and lesson plans in relation to the child's level of functioning and cultural and linguistic background; selection of appropriate instructional materials and technologies; whole class, small group, and individualized teaching; collaborative teaching; parent training; adaptive and social skills acquisition; and the evaluation of students and programs will be addressed. Course requires submission of a videotaped lesson for evaluation.


This OER was created under the CUNY/SUNY Scale Up Initiative grant, 2020-2021, sponsored by the CUNY Office of Library Services.

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