Middle States
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The Office of Institutional Research is responsible for the preparation of various kinds of reports on College activities and events, and for their distribution to City, State, and Federal agencies, to the College community, and to the President. The attached document is a compendium of several of these reports which have been prepared and submitted within the past year. Together they provide a comprehensive review of the most important occurrences at LaGuardia during this period. - Dan J. Ehrlich, Director.
The First Year / FIORELLO H. LAGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE: THE FIRST YEAR Office of Institutional Research; LaGuardia Community College, CUNY; August 28, 1972; 146 pages; black & white; includes organizational charts, tables and graphs. Catalog No. 1.1.1 - 0 8 7 2 (Y);
Table of Contents
The First Quarterly Report: October 29, 1971....................1
The Second Quarterly Report: January 15, 1972................. 13
The Third Quarterly Report: April 15, 1972.................... 22
The Fourth Quarterly Report: July 15, 1972.....................33
The Third Progress Report to Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools*.............. 47
The Fourth Progress Report to Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools.............. 73
Student Attrition at LaGuardia College: An Interim Report............................................127
Appendix....................................................... 140 *
Prepared by Executive Assistant to President. All other reports included in this document were prepared by the Office of Institutional Research