
Kevin Mark

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Part 1: An Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel

  1. To interpret, summarize and present numerical data using the digital tool Microsoft program Excel.
  2. To plot numerical data as a graph and determine an equation of a line. In addition, using the appropriate formatting functions to label your graph and creating a best fit line.

Part 2: Lab Report Writing Using LaGCC Institutional Data

  1. To communicate your interpretations of research data. This is done writing discussions and conclusions (using scientific language) and is often accompanied by data tables and graphs.
  2. To use your Microsoft Excel graphing skills to interpret, inquire and extrapolate meaning data to support your lab report conclusions
  3. To structure your written lab report in the format of: Abstract, Introduction, Material, Methods,Results, Discussion/Conclusion and References


This resource is part of the First Year Seminar Curricular Resources.

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