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This assignment is designed for students in First Year Seminar for Engineering and Computer Science. The main goal of the assignment is to introduce students to their major and stimulating their interests related to career choices and academics. This will give students a chance to develop integrative learning skills by making connections between their major and respective career opportunities. This assignment will use new features of ePortfolio to enhance student’s creativity by customizing everything from background, photos, fonts, text, portfolio content etc. Instead of a uniform profile, each students’ page will reflect the distinct visual representation of their personality, brand, major, and career. Students will review their peers’ ePortfolios to provide constructive feedback. The ePortfolio page will later be deposited once approved by the faculty.


This resource is part of the First Year Seminar Curricular Resources.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License



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