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This work aims to review and assess the current state of Radiology research in Alzheimer’s Disease to complement and coordinate multi-modal research progress via Radiomics. Alzheimer’s Disease. Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) is a center that utilizes the different standard methods for the use of clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers for advancing. Early diagnosis and assessing the efficacy of treatment and related biomarkers for Alzheimer's’ Disease. ADNI databases can be assessed to analyze the patterns and changes in imaging and CSF biomarker data with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease patients. The use and observation of biomarkers try to either directly or indirectly measure the pathology of AD as a predictor of dementia or screen for early cognitive decline. These predictors will make it easier to select patients with mild impairment and healthy elderly patients for treatment and even disease prevention trials. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) is a potential biochemical imaging marker for AD that can recognize patients with the disease prior to the onset of clinical symptoms. Changes in the concentration of a few metabolites in MRS can serve as stand-in markers for pathogenic abnormalities in AD although 31P MRS is gaining ground at high field MRI centers. ADNI-MRI protocols have been adjusted to be compatible with the latest phase called ADNI-3 which started in mid 2017. Regardless of the vendor, e.g., GE, Siemens, and Phillips, all protocols from the second phase ADNI-2 are used on the third phase ADNI-3 three Tesla models. The most critical MRI sequences used in screening for Alzheimer’s Disease are T1 weighted, ASL, MP-RAGE, T2* GRE, 3D-FLAIR, High Resolution Hippocampus, DWI, and EPI-BOLD sequences. The advance in brain diffusion imaging (DWI) and Resting State functional MRI (RSfMRI) are emerging AD MRI tools. Tau PET, also known as Tau Positron Emission Tomography, is a promising method for predicting cognitive abnormalities that is more accurate than amyloid PET and today’s MRI. It can support prognosis in the preclinical and prodromal stages of AD. It has demonstrated remarkable diagnosis efficacy for differentiating non-AD neurodegenerative diseases from AD dementia.
This poster was presented at the 37th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation, Dec. 1, 2022. Mentor: Prof. Subhendra Sarkar (Radiologic Technology).