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Universal design is important because it helps with diverse disabilities. What is universal design and why do we need it? People design buildings, products or environments to make them accessible to people in need. Also, it minimizes the need for assistive technology, results in products compatible with assistive technology, and makes products more usable by everyone. Where can universal design be found? It's practical everywhere you go, such as public transport, parks, shops and services, and sidewalks. Universal design is affected by Several categories: people with disabilities, who are perhaps the most visible group affected by universal design, and parents with young children. Universal design can greatly benefit parents with strollers or young children. Wider sidewalks, curb cuts, family restrooms, and easily accessible amenities cater to their needs. In conclusion, basically everyone benefits from it. Universal design doesn't just benefit specific groups, it can enhance convenience and usability for everyone. For example, automatic doors, and intuitive technology interfaces make environments more user-friendly for all individuals globally.
This poster was presented at the 39th Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors & Undergraduate Research Poster Presentation, December 7, 2023. Mentor: Prof. Bruce Hannah (Mechanical Engineering Technology).