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In this chapter, I present some compelling evidence that points to the conclusion that the human species has a specific diet, which is a raw vegan diet of fresh fruit, tender leafy greens, and a moderate amount of nuts and seeds. Out of the hundreds of thousands of species in the world, the only one—ours—cooks food. Not surprisingly, our species is the only one that suffers from numerous maladies. In other words, the argument is that the consumption of cooked food (especially animal-based) is unhealthful and undermines our nature. I present undeniable evidence, from evolutionary science to nutrition science, showing that a raw vegan diet of mostly fruit and to some extent tender leafy greens, nuts, and seeds, is the optimal diet for our species. This conclusion naturally has profound moral implications regarding our treatment of non-human animals and the environment.


This is an Accepted Manuscript of a book chapter published by Routledge in Raw Veganism: The Philosophy of The Human Diet on Feb. 5, 2020, available online:



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