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As the overall temperature of Earth continues to warm, atmospheric hazards (e.g. heatwaves, cyclones) may be driving increases in climatological trends. This study examines the daily precipitation and temperature record of the greater New York City region during the 1979-2014 period. Daily station observations from three greater New York City airports: John F. Kennedy (JFK), LaGuardia (LGA) and Newark (EWR), are used in this study. Climatological & statistical analyses are performed for the weather variability of New York City metro area to understand the impacts of climate change.The temperature climatology reveals a distinct seasonal cycle, while the precipitation climatology exhibits greater day-to-day variability. Furthermore, annual mean of precipitation and temperature in New York City show increasing trends with temperature trend is significant. After that, this study compare to other research findings with a different region such as Amazon Basin to examine climatological pattern of precipitation in both daily and annual climatological trend. Amazon basin has different climate phenomena than New York City due to different geographical location. Daily Climatology of precipitation in Amazon basin shows the greatest intensity occurred in January to March, with minimum in July. The annual mean of precipitation match with our spatial result generated by GPCP for global precipitation mean for January and July.
This poster, was presented at the 33rd Semi-Annual Dr. Janet Liou-Mark Honors and Undergraduate Research Scholars Poster Presentation, Dec. 3, 2020. Mentor: Prof. Jiehao Huang (Mathematics).