Publications and Research
Document Type
Publication Date
Summer 8-6-2016
The goal of this talk is to showcase some visualization projects that we developed for a 3-day Code in R summer program, designed to inspire the creative side of our STEM students by engaging them with computational projects that we developed with the purpose of mixing calculus level math and code to create complex geometric patterns. One of the goals of this program was to attract more minority and female students into applied math and computer science majors.
The projects are designed to be implemented using the high-level, open-source and free computational environment R, a popular software in industry for data analysis and visualizations. Our hope is that familiarity with R could improve our students' chances of getting internships and full-time jobs.
This project is supported by the DOE MSEIP grant # P120A150063. Project Team: Sandie Han (PI), Pamela Brown, Janet Liou-Mark, Johann Thiel, Boyan Kostadinov, and Erin Small.
PDF version
Included in
Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, Other Applied Mathematics Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons
This is the html version of the presentation which contains interactive 3D visualizations and was the one presented at the MAA MathFest in Columbus, OH, on August 6, 2016.
To advance the html version of the presentation in your browser, use the up and down arrows or pageup or pagedown buttons.
A .pdf version is attached as a supplement.